Thursday, November 30, 2006
The Protector
You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity.Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is.You are an excellent listener, with almost infinite patience.You have complex, deep feelings, and you take great care to express them.
You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher.
What's Your Personality Type?
You Are An INFJ |
The Protector You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity. Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is. You are an excellent listener, with almost infinite patience. You have complex, deep feelings, and you take great care to express them. You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher. |
Sounds strange. Alternative medicine guru is just gg. More describers on this page: where there are things like "writers" which I think fits the bill better. And anyway I've always scored INFP on most tests.
Jung Test Results from
Your type is: INFP
Introverted (I) 53.13% Extroverted (E) 46.88%
Intuitive (N) 61.76% Sensing (S) 38.24%
Feeling (F) 58.82% Thinking (T) 41.18%
Perceiving (P) 56.67% Judging (J) 43.33%
INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
You Are An ESTP |
The Doer You are adventurous and risk taking. You act first, think second. You love being the center of attention. Chances are you were the class clown. Competitive, charming, and charasmatic - you have your own code of honor. You live a flexible life, bouncing between a series of activies that interest you. You would make a great salesperson, marketing director, or entrepreneur. |
You Are An INTP |
The Thinker You are analytical and logical - and on a quest to learn everything you can.Smart and complex, you always love a new intellectual challenge.Your biggest pet peeve is people who slow you down with trivial chit chat.A quiet maverick, you tend to ignore rules and authority whenever you feel like it. You would make an excellent mathematician, programmer, or professor. |
***You Are An ENTP***
The Visionary
You are charming, outgoing, friendly. You make a good first impression.
You possess good negotiating skills and can convince anyone of anything.
Happy to be the center of attention, you love to tell stories and show off.
You're very clever, but not disciplined enough to do well in structured environments.
You would make a great entrpreneur, marketing executive, or actor.
What's Your Personality Type?
i havent slept since i woke up yesterday... thats since about 3-4pm. its now 9am the next day. brain is gonna fry. if my brain actually exists.
went walking around... saw this gal who was crying like a crazy person and threatening to jump from the 3rd floor chalet. hi... 3rd floor.. wun die la. unless u land head first and ure really really heavy. then like no one hiu her at all... she was screaming something about "wei she me bu da gei wo...?" (why u never call me?)
k out of point. brain really frying alr.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Tuesday: 3 - 11
Wednesday: 1 - 9
Thursday: 12 - 8
Friday: 8 - 4
Saturday: Off
Sunday: 2 - 10
If you guys wanna play on Saturday can make it evening or something? If not then go ahead without me. Tues Wed and Thurs are fine with me. Just give me an hour to get home and bathe all these.
LOL. Cloudiez exist! Funny the way u 2 put it. T.T Anyways he approached me like 3am. LOL! I told him the girls not around can play with me and the guys =X
cloudiez exists, i've seen him online before looking for match. i believe i played match with him b4 also.
ehhhhh... thot the headset we share? lol. she one ear i one ear. if u are meeting demon, let me know, i see if i'm available also.
So what's everyone's schedule this week? Most likely I will be playing online, most nights, approx 9ish. So feel free to catch me on MSN. If everyone wants to rest for a week that's ok with me too.
I will be getting the Sennheiser headset from Demon tomorrow for Shan + the keychains too. When I next meet you guys I'll pass them around.
since im going overseas from tomorrow to friday, someone(dawn or tammy? since cyn's busy with work and jiayi always blurblur.) please get back to him and let him know when you girls are free. take it as training for this week bah. maybe we can do it a lan-training at egames, on saturday. i'll be back by then.
anything dont know, feel free to ask MUSICA.
eh, thacc goes aegis after dagger too. and he kinda recommended that build to me. but i kinda prefer linken or heart. or mass auras. depending.
anyway, my congratulations to all teams that made it to gxl top 16. ^^ have fun at sentosaaaa!!
special goodjobs to micronology who scraped into top 16 with their 1-1 this week. gogo renew.
canberra cc compie updates, mi2 has made it to the next rounds, but somehow zenith has been put out of the race by rEv0.
make me travel 1hr to see them lose. GG!
its ok ... <3 u all!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
GXL went rather smoothly. Azure (the LAN shop) is the worst damn possible place to host a game from (Singnet + LAN Shop = GGLAG). However, it's really sweeeeet for playing LAN. Screens are good, seats are comfortable, equipment is good, etc. Plus today we got to sit in this room where the comps are used by sitting at floor level, and there's lot of leg space, a nice floor-seat thing, and a comfy cushion to add on. That and because our opponents were sitting outside, we got to shout all we liked.
Oh and add that to the fact that for the most part Tofu was sitting seperately from the rest of us, for one match even on the corner outside, far away from anything we could hear, and we have a rather smooth going match.
Match with Micronology went rather well. I have absolutely nothing bad to say about our coordination that game, except that I have no idea why we won it so well, and that because I have no idea what we're doing, I fear that other teams might actually catch on to what we are doing before we do, and we might even lose this coordination. Mostly it was a 4v5, with Tofu farming an empty lane for about all of the game, before buying himself a Heart and a Divine Rapier (look ma, no aegis!), killing a THD, a VS, and then politely handing the Rapier over to the opponent's QoP, which gave ice the perfect opportunity to be the first Zeus to obtain a Divine Rapier in a serious game.
As an evolution to blink-stomp of the 5.84c era (bad memories of a certain Centaur reside), I have now the blink-Infernal move! I'll never miss an Infernal again!
Oh and LuX's bloodseeker is "kinda" imba. Zeus is also an effective stunner sometimes, today because we stunned them by picking it first.
Match with eMo was closer than we would like to have played it. They didn't touch our base or even most of the second towers, but we had a much harder time breaking into their base than we would like to have. We also more or less copied their strat, except choosing to drag the game instead of pushing fast, seeing as how their Warlock obtained a Refresher Orb in about 3 seconds into the game (warning: timings may be exaggerated). Night Stalker as a pick, Bear as an early 2nd pick, and Chen earlier than we were used to.
Tofu proceeds to die a lot more than we would like him to as Viper early into the game, falling to a Lvl 1 first blood. This is actually more of a good thing than a bad one because perpetually aiming Tofu means that I am free to farm without being backstabbed. Relic and Treads go up in 25 minutes despite having to share a lane with the hungrily-farming-for-dagger Enigma. The Enigma proceeds to have about 1 good Black Hole casted in the entire game and goes for a Diffusal Blade, whereby he attempts to continue Black Hole casting, and ends up being dead before even having a chance to purge an Infernal.
Though granted, the Enigma helped a lot in lane control, but not in the big battles. Strange?
By virtue of Tofu getting aimed, and also by virtue of us not bothering to help him because he is sitting far away in a distant outside world, we completely outfarm our opponents in the mid-game. We proceed to push 4v5, while Tofu well, takes an empty lane and farms for a good part of well, the entire game. Very bad engagements lead to our pushes being repelled and us getting taken down rather badly, despite having the farming advantage, courtesy of a Warlock and a farmed Zeus, and the lack of a good Black Hole. Sandking farms himself an Aegis, QoP farms well... nothing much really, and RK farms himself an Aegis and Radiance (along with a BKB he had long ago).
I also learnt that "Hunter in the Night" isn't really "Hunter in the Night" unless ice happens to use the Night Stalker. THEN we learn what it really means to be a Hunter in the Night.
A spree of catches lands ice a very early reaver, and a Heart (weren't vampires heartless?). As the pushes start, he obtains himself an Aegis.
No wait, how does one become more unkillable with Heart, and Aegis, a silence, a slow, and imba movement speed? One buys a Satanic, which ice promptly does.
Contrary to expectations, it took a very long time to break their base. Bear with Aegis Basher Radiance Heart patrolling the bottom, and Night Stalker with Heart Satanic Aegis (and I forgot what else) at the top lane did a very good job holding around and not dying, but Aegis-Rapier RK, refresher Warlock, and Zeus, are surprisingly difficult to break.
Nevertheless, base was broken after a very persistant effort to distract them from two directions and actually entangle something.
The question of the day is, why the heck does Sandking need an Aegis for, even getting a second Aegis after the first one runs out (very quickly)? Well, there's a story of Ant's "miss burrowstrike FTL" Sandking against LuX and Musica, but it's one I'll share another time.
And if you notice that I like to shoot Musica a lot (he was the Enigma this game. RAWR), well, I do. Tofu gets his fair share of being shot at by everyone else.
first, i'd like to apologise to gabriel and mindfreak's team... we really wanted to have the friendly with u all, but we had to post our score on gxl, and the site was taking a long time to load. on top of that, we kinda forgot to keep the end score screen open, so we watched the whole replay just to get it. so sorry. i know that weekend hourly charge can get quite chor...
postpone ok?
next, thanks to joel from np for the interview. hope your project goes well! and do remember to send me the final draft. i'll write the unanswered question on my blog for you.
as for the matches, well... i think they were pretty good actually. however, the second game really showed up our weaknesses, i feel. the engagements were... MESSY.
anyhow, lets leave it to the normal hardworking few who dissect our replays and instruct us to give us a report on it.
<3 *
relax gals. thanks for your committment to this league.
special thanks to shan who took charge this time round. really a relief... ^^
Saturday, November 25, 2006
and even though gxl has ended(for us), i hope that we'll still be training. i wont be around for the next 5days or so. but do continue to train as a team. we need to be consistence, not train only when there's compy coming up. we shouldn't always take breaks. someone organise some training online?
Friday, November 24, 2006
Location: Katong
Time: Anytime
Please let me know if you're interested! Don't worry sure got good home cooked Eurasian food for those who haven't tried it before and of coz alcohol. =D
These single player games are kewl, short and dense so they can be completed quickly and re-played over again. Only example I can think of recently would be Max Payne 2. I remember I completed it again and again until I completed it in under an hour.
Speaking of which, my FF7 is HANGING after I meet Yuffie in combat. At least this one is by-passable, not like the time it was hanging before the chocobo races and I had to dl a fix.
So one DotA game a day or so, nothing much memorable, but this week's tournament games should be quite good. Speaking of which, someone, whom I assumed was from the Canberra CC tournament, called me while I was sleeping and set a match at 12 Noon on Sunday. Said he would SMS me the matchup later. Remind me to SMS them for confirmation because for all I know it could have been the @Corner guys speaking (they woke me up, so I forgot to ask).
SPEAKING OF @CORNER. Remind me to check on when we're resuming play.
And while we're still in the topic of competitions, GXL finals apparently clashes with the Telok Blangah CC competition, and registrations are closed, so if there are registrants in mixed teams...
Ant's Rant #4: What NOT to do when being pwned
As the Team Feeder (TM), it is my responsibility to know how to best help my team when I'm getting pwned, and what not to do when getting pwned. Here is what you should NOT do when being pwned.
1) Feed unneccessarily, because being pwned generally means you're on the slippery slope of getting to be pwned even more. This is amplified by the fact that those who are being pwned tend to be frustrated and make stupid mistakes to be pwned even more, so don't...
2) Get frustrated. Unless you are the late gamer or your team has been the primary cause of your being pwned. Realise that many a times, your being pwned is entirely your own damn fault (and of course that of those who are pwning you, but you can't help that). It helps to look on the bright side of things. At least giving your life to send someone home means your late gamer can farm for a few minutes ^^
3) Save up for the big items. Unless the game is going to drag to past 100 minutes, or you're one of those heroes that absolutely need to farm. Someone who goes from pwned to pwning generally farms much less than someone who goes from pwning to even more pwning. Then again, this really only applies to non-late-game heroes.
4) Think that your team is screwed. Unless of course, you're the only late gamer in your team, the game has dragged past 100 minutes, and you are 10 levels below everyone else, then your team is most likely screwed (lots of exceptions here, but I won't state them). Thinking that your team is screwed results in... bad things happening. BAD BAD THINGS.
Positive thinking!
wrote a battle report for rapture gaming recently, on the semi final match of the open category for CAPL autumn between -Team Click- and Destruction[X3M]. anyhows, its finally been posted online, go take a look if you're feeling mega bored or something.
its currently on the front page of and
for the direct link:
anyhow, theres been a spell of silence, because ant seems to have gone into hibernation.
2 compies coming up
canberra cc
telok blangah.
lets decide what to do with them soon.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

familiar eh? say hi..
anyways, request of caocao..
[04:56:16] [CaoCao-] that time go ur house
[04:56:19] [CaoCao-] i saw mh lor
[04:56:22] [CaoCao-] dont ka siao
[04:56:39] [xMusiCa] oops.
[04:56:41] [xMusiCa] u saw ah?
[04:56:42] [xMusiCa] >.<
[04:56:46] [xMusiCa] i thought i hide it properly le
[04:56:46] [CaoCao-] ah bo
[04:56:51] [CaoCao-] weak ah u
[04:56:53] [CaoCao-] still got ck
[04:57:02] [xMusiCa] wa.
[04:57:03] [CaoCao-] nowonder i ur oppo that time bo tai bo ji kean dc
[04:57:06] [xMusiCa] so alert ah u.
[04:57:17] [CaoCao-] of coz ur folder put dota cheats
[04:57:23] [xMusiCa] omg.
[04:57:27] [xMusiCa] kanna caught red handed.
[04:57:28] [xMusiCa] >.<
[04:57:32] [CaoCao-] gg

tofu at the zenith-amd photoshoot, in the red + black team jersey. he looks so innocent... and so happy that someone is fussing over him.
maybe he's gotten what he's always dreamed of... MAKE UP!
musica staring intently at the screen, lips parted.he looks a little kok eye actually... taken during the zion net competition held in Klang, Malaysia.
ant, everyone's favourite nerd!
taken at zion net compie also.

we have world's most irritating fat boy - ToFu.
Monday, November 20, 2006
I'm ok with being 1v1 hero (and I can train QOP if need be). In fact I think you're right, I can't really judge AOE well enough yet unless its 3v3 and below. But I do enjoy catching though. It is a fresh break from pure farming.
Anyways. Just to explain to all the reasons going thru my head, which caused me not to swap when we were at the acticz base front.
1. SK/zeus/qop could blink. Veno was no where in sight and neither was Chant. Which means if I swap one of those 3 out (zeus mostly), it is likely that it will be a 1v1 exchange unless it was a quick followup (since they would expect to be swapped, and finger would be on dagger).
2. Although THD was behind me, she's not the main dmg dealer. Viper was hanging on the left, which means the guy would have a chance to blink away.
3. I rather save my swap/stun for a assist role (since I am the only stunner), instead of risking a 4v5 situation.
4. No visibility of base. I think I did request for a ward along the sides but not followed thru.
5. Tammy you look scary in that pic =X ok, oop (out of point).
Anyway it's over lar. So let's learn from it and move on.. =)
Shan: ya I know sometimes I will let my hero FFA when I'm typing. Not always will 3/4 life or ks neutrals la (hey I only ks 1-2 leh! give me abit of gold la... =\). Anyway I will look out. But if I am gonna be power hero again I probably won't have to type much. =>
And about the trip - Shan has suggested that we go KL to shop instead, cos there is no airport tax. I'm fine with it. They have some December great sale thingie. Shall we go? I took leave during the 20+ days, not sure if it has been approved (hope so).
OKAY. back to work.

cam whore ftw!
ice + furry
match vs acticz :
after reading the comments and listening to some other people, and thinking about it as well, i think the main problem with the game was team coordination. this was more of a problem than individual skill, imo.
1) teammates have to trust each other. vs / veno /sk has to just go in and trust that the team will follow up. of course there would be kok ups at first, but without trying, you'll never know.
2) big mistake in trying to throne when we should have raxed. i think this was my fault, cos i just went in and aimed towers while dawn tried to take down the rax. underestimated the amount of people needed to take the rax down, and our abilities in throning.
3) cloud shouldnt have sat in my seat. LOL! that seat is haunted.
in the end, i think that we lack match experience, i for one was lost when it came to such a standoff. how long do we defend, and how hard do we push. if only zenith stayed behind us to tell us what to do. then again, ant would have lost his head and we're too reliant on them.
perhaps we need a stable commander.
In other news, Musica's QoP maphacks. Now, we see this a lot in pub games, but in draft matches?

Sunday, November 19, 2006
For the record, here's a brief history of team Zenith, to drive away the thousand and one misconceptions, of which include that we have koped players from Mi2, and others I probably don't want to hear about.
In the end of 2004, GPS and his brother Tofuboi (or steakzzz as he was known then) formed a team to take part in RGN DotA Season 1. Then, I was GPS' schoolmate, and due to complications, I was supposed to join their team, but eventually didn't. They got 3rd. 2 other players to mention, Shoury and Lux, joined the competition under another team and got 2nd. ice meanwhile was part of bonkers, the team that took the first place. Musica was not in the competitive scene yet, or so I'm led to believing.
As 2005 begun, Lux, Shoury, Tofuboi, and GPS, along with (who is not lu5ck, a commom misconception), a classmate of GPS, formed a team, later to be known as DsD since Shoury at that time was in DsD for WC3:TFT. I never actually played a single LAN tourney for them and was never officially in DsD, although I did play online matches and came down as a reserve for some compes (but never did play on LAN).
At that point, ice was gallavanting from team to team, not set on a stable one. Musica I think still wasn't in the competitive scene.
At the end of 2005, for RGN Season 2, was replaced by me because his skills had detiorated due to O lvls (whereas I don't take O levels, and GPS doesn't have a tyrannical parent that stops him from practicing for months before the O's). Shoury went off to play SRO -.- and so ice replaced him. At that point, because 2 players were not from DsD (ice and me), DsD (as I am led to believe) wasn't that willing to sponsor the team, and after winning RGN Season 2, the team joined ice in clan mVp, assuming their name as well.
With absolutely not player changes whatsoever, the team left mVp on a good note to find independent sponsorship (sponsorship as a 5 man team, not for the whole clan). Name was changed to Zenith at this point.
Musica joined team Zenith in September 2006, after a brief stint with Shinigami.
A brief history of Zenith, victories and tournament experiences not included.
for top lane, viper wasn't aggressive enough at top. leading to the sk having a fast dagger. for mid lane, wanderz warlock wasn't aggressive enough against the zeus either. so he was able to somewhat farm at the lane. for bottom lane. it was ok. but if u all could coordinate ur strikes better and be more aggressive. they won't even be able to come out for exp.
k now. for ur catching during early and mid game. yea u guys were catching fine. u got their heroes and stuff. but u guys made alot of losses too. lets say like u caught 3 heroes. u all would have lost 2 heroes just to catch that 3. its more of suicide killing then catching. so u all gotta work out ur catching movements better.
for ur engagements. sorry i have to say but it was really pretty bad
they had sk veno zeus. and u all were sticking to each other like glue. thats the reason for not being able to push in early. their aoes were devastating yea. but its only because u all were sticking to much to each other. and another thing was. vs hesitated in swapping way too much. a vs job is to swap out a hero when the enemy doesn't expect it at all and kill it asap which didn't really happen much in between.
oh yea. and during engagements. viper was constantly aiming the wrong target. ur first target shld be qop instead of the other paper heroes. ur viper strike shld be focused on qop more often. qop was their sole late gamer. just a simple viper strike. would have disabled the qop to be out of battle for a whole 5 secs.
and for ur final pushes to take down the last rax. well. its kinda uncoordinated and all wrong. u all shldn't be suiciding the throne. but instead. suiciding the temple. think about it. the throne has 4.5k life and higher armour. and its regen is much faster then the temple. if u all can't down the throne. u all lose. but the temple. it has only 1.5 life with lower armour. the moment its down. its over. u win.
okk. thats it for my review. =D
firstly. from my point of view. non of you girls can really command well yet. so yea. u all gotta work out on a stable commander and such. A commander has to be an engager. so that she can see a situation on what they shld do and stuff.
the reason that i thought that a change in hero roles would be good cause firstly
pinksheep : if you notice you don't really have a ability to estimate those aoe spells well. but u do have a farming speed that is fast and constant. and just for everyones info. JIABAO LOST TO YOU YESTERDAY!. warlock vs viper. =D so you have an ability to 1v1 better then other of your members. maybe its not perfected yet. but if u work on it. i think you'll do really well. oh yea and. from what i can see. maybe u don't really suit commanding and stuff etc. your better off just given a hero which requires to farm and just constantly farm. just like tofu in our team. =x
blacknails : well i said before that your farming and stuff is ok. but when it comes to 1v1 u don't really have the better 1v1 ability. from what i see u can be a really good lich / loa /veno /vs user. anything that just have 2 buttons. =x although yea. ur timing for ur ults such as swap etc may not be really accurate yet. but i think u have a higher potential for supportive heroes then farmers.
furryfish : mm. as for you. from what i see. u have a more smoother movement which is required for hunting and u have a better engaging timing compared to the rest. so you'd definately be better of by being the engager of the team etc.
wanderz : well. your quite a stable player. u can play most of the hero types here. but the reason why i said that you'd better of with aoe heroes or maybe even late gamers probably is because you have a more stable mindset and u know what to do if u're getting chased or ur allies being chased etc.
flawed : um. u still got ur same role as support. so i guess its chen chen chen. =D
ok. i feel that u girls need to work on ur mistakes after every match. it may not seem much. but it helps a team improve alot. reviewing each others mistake helps out in communication and trust among each other. what u girls lack now is trust and communication.
alright. and last of all. u all need to decide on a commander. and the commander has to be an engager. because an engager can see whats happening with a clearer concept and from there he / she will be able to give the command.
alright. this are my views. hope it'll be of some use to u girls. =D
i want to change the roles in our team slightly!
ok fine, musica insist that its his idea.
dawn: end-gamer / farmer / zi bi-er
jiayi: supporter
cynthia: engager
tammy: hunter/engager
me: supporter
it may not work, but we can try, right?
and so the heros usage will be,
dawn: viper/wl/visage/furion/etc etc.. (btw, can you try qop..?)
jiayi: loa/lich/veno/vs/thd/etc etc.. (train up on veno, vs, thd)
cynthia: zeus/pugna/sk/enigma/veno/vs/wl/ etc etc.. (try qop too.)
tammy: qop/veno/sk/vs/enigma/ etc etc..
me: what else, CHEN LORRRRRRRRR.. =(
so far, i have this in mind, i will add on when i thought of more.
i'll get musica to help me explain why........
and dawn, i need you to take note of what your hero is doing, where your hero is when you're typing. cos u either kenna hit by creeps from full health to 3/4 health, or you ks neutral accidentally. lawl..
I'll start making bad DotA jokes when I have nothing left to post. Until then, I'm actually making it a point to end my day (or whatever you call the period between waking up and sleeping) by posting here at least for now. I'm sure the people who set this up have more to say than me too right?
Not the best of days. GXL against Corleones wasn't the most pleasant thing I had to do. The booking I made 19 hours in advanced mysteriously vanished from the records, apparently the same thing that happened to GPS last week. I have a strange suspicion that the only person who can book any comps at E-G right now without being cancelled is Musica, but it's currently unfounded (until Musica actually does an advance booking that doesn't get cancelled, then I'll start being suspicious).
The match is scheduled at 730, Lux, Tofu, and ice are present, kudos to them for turning up on time. Computers however, are not. I turn to those teams that already have comps and are finishing up their matches to perhaps, loan us their comps, because the team we are facing has a reputation for actually walking over late teams, and already is, though not implicitly, threatening to do so. Understandably, they refused because they had other matches scheduled later with other teams in the vicinity. Some Mi2 people who are playing pubs though, are kind enough to offer us their comps when they are done.
At this point I get an SMS saying that the game has been created, and order me to start the game by 8pm, which is in actuality giving us extra time since the appointed time is at 730. Well, I'm kind of in a pinch here, so I ask for 5 computers split up. Fortunately, they are available.
Scrape that. Tofu has to give away his computer because it turns out his computer was actually booked previously! Fortunately, if you counted already, we in actuality only have 4 players turning up. Musica is mysteriously missing.
I join the game to see 5 opponents ready and eager to start. Tofu, with a bit of nudging, joins the game quickly as well. It's around 8pm. Oh, and Musica is still nowhere to be seen.
Rather urgently, I nudge Lux and ice to take their comps and join because well, they know that we are dangerously close to being walked over, and we ARE half an hour late for the match anyway.
You understand that at this point, I'm rather FRANTIC. Half my dinner is in my bag because I had to rush off halfway through it when the leader SMSed me, my booking which I made 19 hours in advance was, without me knowing, cancelled, leaving me at E-G without any comps and already late for the match. I beg around for comps seeing as how I need them rather urgently, and fail. Oh, and Musica is also far away with no damn idea where he is and how long more he'll take to get here.
To top things off, ice and Lux have their eyes glued to screens of asterisk* playing.
Me: ice go to those 3 comps down there and join the game.
ice: I'll go when Lux goes
Me: Lux will go when you go
ice: I'll go when Lux goes
Lux decides that my demanding of him to get to the comp and join the game doesn't dignify a response, so I have no idea what to say to ice.
There is a fine line between valuing your own decision, having a strong-will, and showing completely no respect. I'm of course in no position to draw that line seeing as how at that moment I was FRANTIC and rather muddled up.
It takes a few minutes of calling them (and a few minutes of being disregarded) before I realise that the easiest thing to do is simply to join the game for them, buying a bit of time. Of course, there still is the issue of having a 5th player since Musica is mysteriously missing.
GPS, who is dead sick and having decided to not play this game for the benefit of his health (and the rest of the team), by the grace of God, just happens to reach home. So I call him to join. Ice and Lux also are nice enough to take their respective places. Ice complains about his lack of sound, but hey, if he set up the computer himself, perhaps he would have realised earlier to make changes.
Well, in light of all that has happened, I am rather pissed off, and in no mood to be nice to anyone. On top of that, the game lags horrendously. Of all the time in the world, it had to lag when I was already frustrated enough, meaning that I actually, well, get AFFECTED BADLY by it because I let it get to me.
Game ends with our 2nd row of towers untouched though. GPS plays himself a decent VS leaving me absolutely nothing bad to say about it. Lux and ice have their usual untouchable play. Tofu's QoP nearly dies from one of those trademark Tofu freezes, where he lets a centaur walk a distance of one entire screen to reach his stationary body AND stomp him, though he manages to blink out with less than 100 hit points. Musica turns up about half an hour into the game, which makes me somewhat happy since I have someone to hear me rant about how Warlock pwns Viper.
I had something here to say about why asterisk* loses some games they shouldn't lose, but I decided to save it since they never asked for it and I don't like walking into a burning wreckage.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Not only that, they season food with salt so that you have to pay a lot extra for the only thing you have to pay extra for, which is drinks. Cut cost by packing people in a non-aircon environment and providing cheap furniture.
Of course, the food is good, and that's all really matters. It's also offered in an amazingly large variety and by my standards, is rather fresh. Fresh enough that they give you live prawns which jumped out of the damn container while I was washing them. Twelve bucks is pretty damn worth it when you consider the lack of variety and high charges that other similar (albeit air-conditioned) places have.
Played one game of DotA, rather uneventful. We had Viper QoP Sandking Pugna Furion up against Chen VS THD Warlock Zeus. As you can guess, early game was kind of screwed, with Lux's QoP getting perseverance with a ratio of 2-7 while my Viper got a reaver (though the reaver wasn't too slow). Post-reaver, the tide starts to turn. A few good engagements results in everyone KSing the Viper and getting rich. Things take a turn for the best for my team, excluding me. Deciding to give the QoP leeway to farm (even though she KSed everything I had, and I mean KS as in they would have died without wave anyway but wave was saved, though I guess it's the only way the QoP can come back and farm well after a really bad start), I proceed to move to another lane. As Murphy's law goes, Pugna decides to come and ruin my farming, so I head to the only lane that isn't being farmed, and QoP decides that the lane she was at was a little dangerous and proceeds to steal the lane from me. I head back to the bottom lane, waiting patiently for creeps to push forward so I can farm safely. As the creeps finally allow me to safely farm, I manage to get one wave down before Wrath of Nature effectively screws my farming over. Again. Whoo.
I guess Viper played by Ant is meant to be a supporter not a farmer eh?
Furion and QoP proceed to go on a KSing spree. QoP because the QoP wants to farm, so that's fine, and Furion because Wrath of Nature just comes in at that perfect moment to finish the target I'm picking off, so I guess that's unpredictable. The only hero that doesn't KS Ant's support Viper is the Sandking because he's probably lagging badly.
Even Shan decides to KS me.
KS my creeps and KS my heroes, fine, but don't KS my neutrals. But damn, Furion has been neutral creeping all the way and there are none of which to kill! Relic only goes up by virtue of my low number of deaths. A failed push in mid game (and a lot of very badly timed Infernals), as you can see from the draft, meant that the game was essentially won. At around 50 minutes, we push because Lux needs to sleep. Winning comes quickly.
Musica requested that I watch a replay because he feels the game was very good. I head off for Zheng Fa, where Lux and Cloud proceed to convince me that perhaps this replay is actually worth watching. So I watch it.
I don't usually comment about games that I'm not part of or didn't witness first-hand, the emotion and the intensity is replaced with objectivity and every other boring thing that makes the commenting rather dull. Nevertheless, by request of Musica, here's a not very good battle report. Real battle reports take about 1 week to finish with pretty pictures and whatsnot. I'm not even going to describe what happens unless it's major. Heck, it won't even be a battlereport, just a highlight so when you have lots of time to burn you might politely ask for the replay from him and be politely ignored because he is AFK.
I'll be writing as I watch, so this report will proceed in a rather boring linear fashion. Anyway, if you've read until this point, no harm reading till the end...
The game starts with Musica's team having Warlock, QoP, Chen, THD, VS up against Warlock, Viper, Zeus, Sandking, and Enchantress. Now, remember guys, that when Enchantress becomes first pick, that I THOUGHT OF IT!! MINE!! MINE!! Three minutes into the game, things aren't looking good for them. Whereas Lux's destroyer seems to be doing well against Warlock in mid, our dear Chen from CaoCao at btm has a total of 0 experience points and 0 creeps, and Musica in his usual blowing fashion is level 1 at top lane even when soloing.
In yet another horrible moment, the Chen, VS, and THD proceed to wail on the Zeus at the bottom lane. With six heads focused on bringing down the Zeus (Chen, Chen's wolf, VS, VS' projectile, THD Head 1 and THD Head 2), an unruly senile suicidal druid decides to steal the kill. This naughty druid is ceremoniously KILLED by the Vengeful Spirit because well, she's vengeful.
Speaking of which, Vengeful Spirit is not only vengeful (hate is bad! Sin #1), but also a slut (well I'm not sure which sin this comes under, but it falls under something, Sin #2!). I mean, what kind of hero literally THROWS HERSELF AT THE OPPONENT?
Hur hur hur.
Which hero wins, Chen or Zeus?
Chen, because Chen owns the Zoos.
Hur hur hur.
But I digress.
Which hero sucks?
Perhaps I should just focus on the more important events. Afterall, reporting each individual moment means this could turn out to be as long a the previous fifty or so posts COMBINED.
Self-written Eulogy of Harbinger the Obsidian Destroyer (complete with cheesy pseudo-rhyming couplets). Remember kids, only in DotA can you write your own eulogy!:
A Warlock to farm, here at mid lane!
Halp! I'm being pwned by Shadow Word Pain!
Looking to the sky, I start to groan
The Warlock drops his !@#!ing stone
While Chen stands still and watches me die
And Musica's QoP whines about why
He can't farm top (oh what a noob)
So like any good teammate should
I go to top - A viper to pwn!
Thinks I as a spear to me is thrown
When the @#$!ing Dryad sneaks from the back
To launch a @#$!ing sneak attack
curse all her tactics of stealth
I've only farmed a Ring of Health
I go to mid cause the Queen of Pain
Can't farm, oh! She drives me insane!
But no sooner do I arrive at mid lane
that I feel the need to be very profane
As viper starts to approach me
And I quickly start to TP
But an Infernal lands, HOLY SHIT
Without getting one creep, I die again
but at least bottom lane's empty for the Queen of Pain
And just as I buy myself a PB
the sandking burrowstrike-epis me
and the Warlock drops his !@#!ing stone
as my teammates let me die alone
Barely twenty minutes into the game
I have four deaths oh what a shame!
Actually they aren't getting pwned that badly. In fact, things are rather even. Viper has his relic at the half hour mark, courtesy of Musica being pwned at top lane, but Musica has got a PB and Ult orb from his free farming at btm, and Lux does have 2.3k, even with a 0-4 record. Things are looking rather even. As a matter of fact, Lux is the highest level in the team despite having no kills and having been taken down a lot. Even Musica who has soloed and freefarmed for most of the game is lower level, and Maki's VS, with a ratio of 7-1, has been moving around a lot so can't be of too high level. Only the opponent's Viper and Warlock higher level than Lux.
43 minutes into the game though, both teams seem quite even. Musica gets his Skadi from the many minutes of free farming, and Lux has his Agahnim. Viper meanwhile has 3.9k, a reaver, a relic, and a vita booster (can you say WOW! THAT'S A LOT!) and the Enchantress, in a bold but ultimately STUPID attempt IMO to invent her own build, has a soul booster. As of now, I HAVE NO DAMN IDEA WHY MUSICA WANTS ME TO WATCH THIS REPLAY. Then again, one thing worth watching though, is Maki's VS. He's 8-1 with a rather early BKB (by the standards of VS) and just did a very good swap to save Lux's life.
49 minutes into the game, Viper completes a BKB and a Heart (leaving the relic unconverted into a big item) and the scourge (meaning the team that DOESN'T have Lux, Maki, and other feeders in it) start to push mid lane. The 2nd tower goes down without any resistance and it seems that because Musica, in a Tofu-like moment, DOESN'T WANT TO WAVE, the base tower in the mid lane will go down without any resistance as well.
In a bold moment, taking initiative as a member of the alliance of flying things, the obsidian destroyer TPs to the base tower. No sooner does he do so that he realises that perhaps the other members of the alliance of flying things aren't as intelligent as he, and not only because Agahnim's Sceptre adds 25 intelligence.
It's rather ironic that while the SR-71 Blackbird fighter was designed to slip alone into enemy territory, this Black Bird can't make his entrance any more obvious because he happens to be ALONE, UNASSISTED BY ANY TEAMMATES, SURROUNDED BY FIVE ENEMIES.
A green bird that unfortunately didn't join the alliance of flying things proceeds to launch a green dagger of Viper Strike at him. The warlock also drops another #$!$ing green stone at him. This would probably make a very nice picturesque moment, a green bird and a green Infernal landed from a green Warlock launching green things at him in the green of the sentinel base with the forces of the Scourge forces around (which are ironically, of the green colour). Yes, a very picturesque moment this would be if not for the fact that the black bird is in a !#$!ING LOAD OF PAIN.
As if that's not enough, Lux proceeds to transform into GREEN LANTERN (I don't actually know what the hell this Superhero does but I know he exists) as he becomes invulnerable to all sorts of damage in his Astral Prison. Now the league of extraordinary flying things proceed to help out this green superhero blackbird (wait, green and black? What?).
No wait, spooky-old-flying-thing (some might know him as THD) happens to be healing in base. So much for the alliance of flying things helping each other out eh?
Lux, alone, awaiting his death, proceeds to try to cast his ultimate.
Did you know that the Obsidian Destroyer has the longest casting animation in the game?
Did you also know that Lightning Bolt interrupts spell-casting and animations? Well, I think you knew this one.
So as he tries to cast his ultimate, Zeus lightning bolts him (a lightning bolt hitting a black bird? What a poetic match-up) and as a rogue member of the alliance of flying things, Viper takes the black bird down.
One day I could write a nice story about the alliance of flying things in DotA and whatsnot... but I digress.
Oh, and spooky-old-flying-thing is still healing in base, not realising about the loss of his dear teammate black-intelligent-flying-thing, because black-intelligent-flying-thing, with his study of the black arts, has managed to buy himself out of the graveyard!
Who says money can't buy you everything eh?
Meanwhile, as the Obsidian Destroyer charges towards the tower, Chen, VS, and QoP are busy getting their asses handed to them. Dealing almost no damage whatsoever, VS is forced to TP back to the fountain, QoP is reduced to red health, and Sandking epicentres the Chen, but not before the enchantress steals the one and only centaur from him. A stun from the newly-stolen centaur and a few spears from the enchantress leave the obsidian destroyer also with red health.
As all the members of the sentinel run away from their tower doing almost no damage at all, Viper, not yet quite satisfying his bloodlust to take down the members of the alliance of flying things, proceeds to chase down Spooky-old-flying-thing. Spooky-old-flying-thing rants about how these spoilt young kids will be the death of him, since, well, they DID kill him.
No, I'm serious.
Cloud (i.e. spooky-old-flying-thing or THD): The viper is zzz...
Cloud: rich lorh.
Meanwhile, the Warlock with his eye of skadi proceeds to hunt down the Obsidian Destroyer, and with the Enchantress hurling spears of +150 damage, the Obsidian Destroyer dies very damn quickly. Without having a chance to use his ultimate.
Oh, did I mention that while all this was happening, the middle base ancient protector got destroyed?
Heh, did you really think that when those heroes pledged their life to the sentinel, they would die to save you? Not a chance, fat ancient protector. Meh. Even with you being ancient and all. These young punks only think for themselves. Meh.
Choosing this moment to appear, Batwoman (ala Queen of Pain) blinks out of the fountain and in a very womanly whine (aha! A little alliteration!), unleashes a sonic wave which hits a grand total of TWO heroes. Gee, could have waved earlier don't you think?
Well, unfortunately the scourge is stupid enough to go closer to Batwoman to give her the opportunity to unleash yet another womanly whine with a scream of pain. The heroic Vengeful Spirit lends a hand. With the constant damage the two ancient protectors by the World Tree was doing to the heroes of the scourge, and the whining of the Queen of Pain, the scourge has to back off, leaving both ancients in Mid Lane still intact.
If they had just whacked those damn ancients and not chase down the heroes and take all that damage from the 2 ancient protectors, they probably would have gotten one lane down and taken no casualties, but heck.
At 52 minutes, Maki the Vengeful Spirit, in all his wiseness, reports to the village of the Sentinel that there is a push incoming, and that they should make early preparations, in light of how the great Ancient Protector in the middle lane has fallen. The wise elders, Chen and Spooky-Old-Flying-Thing, heed his words, and make preparations for defense. Black-intelligent-flying thing, with abundance of health, teleports home.
The young punk Batwoman though, is busy farming the bottom lane with half health and no sign of teleporting.
In a sacrificial attempt to delay the enemy, the Vengeful Spirit swaps the Sandking into the base, for him to be wailed on by the THD and for the THD to use macropyre on all of one enemy hero, who promptly blinks away. Nevertheless, this sacrifice touches the hearts of the young punk Batwoman, and in a heroic change of mind, the young batwoman Teleports home, ready to give her life for the ancients.
Maki the wise manages to survive, but it is too late for Old-Spooky-Flying-Thing. Defying all logic, spikes from the ground proceed to stun the FLYING dragon, and he gets taken down quickly. The Sandking then surrounds himself with a barrier of sand, barely escaping the womanly whine of Batwoman, but the ultimate of the Obsidian Destroyer takes him down.
Which unfortunately, leaves Mister Obsidian Destroyer as a very damn obvious target for Enchantress, Viper, and Warlock, who take him down in about 2 seconds. The heroes of the scourge, wiser this time, wail on the two ancients in the middle lane.
The Vengeful Spirit, in a valiant attempt to save the trees, teleports into the midst of the enemy, and gives her life away for the ancients. It's not amazing that the Vengeful Spirit is vengeful seeing as how she's letting herself die to everyone.
The Queen of Pain, in a not as valiant attempt to save herself, blinks away from the battlefield, completely unwilling to sacrifice herself for the ancients. Selfish young punks these days... oh, and whiny too.
And so the two ancients in the middle lane fall, and the scourge promptly retreat.
At 56 minutes, in yet another Tofu-like moment, Musica gets caught by Viper, Sandking, and Enchantress. Like any superhero in a tragic play, Batwoman revels in her own invulnerability, takes a long time to make her escape, and is promptly punished by the Gods, who finish her off with lightning from the heavens.
To make things even more tragic, the spooky old dragon, who probably had the hots for this young punk and has to fight it out with his other head over who gets her, rushes in foolishly to save Batwoman and also, well, dies. Zeus grabs himself a haste rune, and together with warlock, chase down the Vengeful Spirit, who well, suffice to say, ends up becoming even more vengeful.
And Batwoman buys herself out from the dead. The things you can do with money these days...
With one hero dead, the scourge decides to push the bottom lane. They clean out the 2nd tower in no time at all, and proceed to the tower at the base. Viper uses his avatar-on-a-stick and wails on the tower in the base. Meanwhile, Warlock and Sandking distract the enemy by launching more green things at them, with no great effect. The green flare at the end of the Sandking's tail results in the THD flying him up in a great tornado. Nevermind that giant scorpians flying around is about the creepiest thing I can think of right now.
Proving the fittingness of his name, the Obsidian Destroyer promptly destroys the Warlock's infernal in two hits. The Queen of Pain is also promoted up the ladder of the Alliance of Flying Things by riding the skies in a whirling cyclone three times in a row. Of course, this means that there is nothing stopping Viper from taking the ancient protector down, which he does.
In a moment of vengefulness, the Queen of Pain unleashes her fury on Viper as his spell immunity runs out, bringing Viper down. As the heroes of the Scourge retreat, Batwoman blinks after them.
On her second blink, she blinks right into the middle of Zeus, Warlock, and Enchantress. Is this a moment of her folly, or is she going to-
Well, scrape that. Queen of Pain dies badly.
Thinking it's safe again, Old Spooky Dragon comes out and is GANKED BY THREE HEROES. Good use of cyclone on the warlock however, keeps him alive. Vengeful Spirit then waltzes in and uses her spell-immunity-on-a-stick, proceeding to wail on the Zeus. The Scourge valiantly try to continue the push, but is driven off.
Viper suicide backdoors the 2nd top tower of the Sentinel, which like all other suicidal moves, lands him dead, without rewards. The Sentinel then proceed to catch the Enchantress, and the rest of the other heroes, with Viper having left them. Score for the Sentinel!
But well, they still are one lane down.
Never giving up, like true villians, the heroes of the scourge revive, and immediately get back to work on pushing bottom lane. Sandking's epicentre however, hits NOTHING, and a venture too deep into the Sentinel's base to do almost no damage and get hit by the two towers by the World Tree lands Sandking and Viper dead, though not before taking down the Obsidian Destroyer and reducing a large amount of the hit points of the Sentinel heroes.
Well, as unwise as the Heroes of the scourge are, it's good to know that their creeps are kind of smart, managing to take down the Ancient of War while everything was happening (with a little help from Viper pre-engagement).
To cut a long story short, Chen and QoP retreat with red HP, while the dragon dies, leaving Ench, Warlock and Zeus, the three scrooges of the scourge, to screw the bottom lane (more alliteration!).
So the Sentinels have two lanes down, are going to lose, and I see really no damn reason why I have been reporting on this replay other than to see Musica be like Tofu, feeding and farming fast. Well, he does get his Aegis up, but this game is over.
Cloud: Lose to a bunch of nerds =.=
Lux: My bad
Lux: Farm too slow
Musica: Never say die
Well, with his spanking new Aegis up, it's easy for Musica to say so, cause well, he's IMMORTAL (for as long as the charges on his Aegis last anyway). Of course, in a situation such as this, his Aegis charges are going to run out VERY QUICKLY, as you will see in due time.
Meanwhile, two very stupid pushes on the top lane by the Scourge heroes however (I mean very stupid, as in Sandking Epi's air, heroes charge into enemy fountain without doing any damage whatsoever) nets Musica a divine rapier, Maki the Vengeful Spirit buying a Stygian Desolator to satisfy his vengefulness, Cloud with a Guinsoo, Lux with 2 mystic staffs and a PB (on top of his Agahnim's), and CaoCao with well... nothing, cause he's a feeder Chen.
No really, he's a feeder Chen.
Musica: Chen defend.
Musica: He's fei wu.
It's Musica's lack of TP however, and his duty as the primary defender of the ancients, that lands the top tower of the Sentinel's base demolished.
The sentinels are now working on a timebomb. It won't be long before the Scourge just keeps rushing them and brings down their third and final set of ancients. Can they take down the Frozen Throne before supercreeps are unleashed?
Stay tuned for the answer!
Well, no, they can't.
Musica's attempt to backdoor the Mid tower sets him back one charge of Aegis with the tower still at a healthy 1000+ hit points, so hey, there goes the great chance to push back. Musica's stubborness in refusing to get BKB lands him promoted way up the ladder of the alliance of flying things by being permanently cycloned up in the air as the Warlock pushes down the towers by the World Tree, and the rest of the heroes launch all they have at the top lane ancients.
A very slow Zeus allows Musica enough time to kill the viper at the top lane before being sent to fly in the air again, but it's too late to do any lasting damage. Musica attempts to backdoor the mid lane, but doesn't even touch the tower before being driven off. He cleverly waits around though, waiting again for the Scourge to push so he has an opportunity to backdoor. He is rewarded with one less charge of Aegis as Zeus and Viper promptly catch him and bring him down after he blinks to be stuck in the trees in a failed attempt to escape (so much for Batwoman eh?).
Another slow push from the Scourge results in them being wiped at the top. However, this also results in the World Tree being left without any Ancient Protectors to defend it.
Meanwhile, another failed attempt by Musica to backdoor results in... the same thing that happened when he tried to backdoor the other two times. If you can count, that means he has no more charges of Aegis left.
Maki-: They can't kill me.
Maki-: I'm fit.
CaoCao: He feed.
Vengeful Spirit has fallen.
While acting all invulnerable as the Sentinels push again, Maki gets caught alone and dies. The scourge, acting all stupid again, decide to split up and die badly, trying to run against a team with mass slows and disablers, without even bothering to attack any structures.
At this point, 100 minutes into the game, I have no !@#!ing idea what Musica is trying to do. He ups his 2nd Aegis, and proceeds to attempt to solo Roshan.
He proceeds to attack Roshan and do about no damage for 3 minutes, before Zeus uses Wrath and spots him.
A warlock promptly appears beside Musica. UH OH!!
This Warlock is also stupid because he has absolutely no backup. UH OH! Dead Warlock!
Lux joins in and does in 20 seconds what Musica has been unable to do in 3 minutes, kill Roshan.
The scourge fails yet another push because they simply have no idea that they can skip creeps while their teammates are busy occupying the rest of the Sentinel heroes halfway across the map. Cycle repeats itself. Musica tries to backdoor mid, and fails. Things are looking up though, because he DOESN'T DIE!
Viper proceeds to charge at the World Tree, bringing it down to less than 2000 HP. Repeat the cycle, Musica backdoors, doesn't kill a single damn thing, and retreats.
The Scourge gets smarter now. As Zeus and Enchantress charge at the top lane ancients, Warlock, Sandking, and Viper charge at the World Tree. Unfortunately, they decide their chances are higher if they charge in one by one and if they charge in at different times. How wrong they are.
Musica gets himself a 2nd Divine Rapier by selling off his boots. The World Tree however, is at 1000 hit points, and the ancients at the top lane are dangerously close to devastation.
Finally deciding to honour his pact to the World Tree and give his life to the ancients, Musica decides to die to take down one tower in the Scourge's base. Well, since he has an Aegis, it doesn't really count as dying, but heck, the World Tree is screwed, not Scrooge. Two hours into the game, Musica has only 1 charge of Aegis left.
Being smart finally, the Scourge get their act together.
The final push unleashes supercreeps.
With supercreeps unleashed, and the World tree at 1000 hit points, the Sentinel really are in a pinch here.
Fortunately, the supercreeps are on the side of the Sentinel.
A desperate push from the Scourge had left all of them but one dead, giving Musica the perfect opportunity to blink into the Scourge base and clear ALL of their remaining raxes.
At this moment, the Sentinel team charges into the Scourge base to take down the Frozen Throne. All but CaoCao's Chen who is left to defend the World Tree.
A final crisis awaits the Sentinels.
A crack team of 6 Ghouls and 4 Necrolytes breaks through the middle lane barrier, and launches themselves at the 1000HP World Tree. In the process, they also take down the Chen.
Yup boys, Chen has been taken down by creeps.
The tree is at 1000 hit points. Of course, the might of this crack team does not match up in the least bit to supercreeps and the Sentinel heroes.
At 126 minutes, the game ends, the World Tree has 400 hit points left.
While not worth watching a 2 hour game, I DID learn a lot from this.
1) Never give up. As Musica puts it, never say die.
2) The game is never over until it's over. Don't get cocky and screw up your crucial push.
3) Heck, even when you're not cocky, don't screw up all your many crucial pushes... you only have so many.
4) Destroyer is imba.
5) Never ever try to do a short battle report on a 2 hour long game.
6) And never ever let Musica play QoP in a serious match.
Musica: Give this replay to Ant
Musica: I wonder what he'll write
It's actually a little long, even for my liking.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Had a fun hero to play last night. Was so praying i won't get some boring heroes. When kw and mystic were deciding the draft which they planned to be sk/zeus/bear/qop/chen. I was like NOOOOOO. T.T The only hero that i felt like using in that bunch was zeus. But thank god the guys know i will whine like hell so they give me a zeus =P Wahahaha. But damn was doing so well. Playing so happily. Dominating the bottom lane against the warlock. He was quite outleveled so i had the advantage.
People always say it is training with pros that you can learn. But somehow i feel that it's by playing against people who ain't as good as you that you learn. You kinda feel more confident in such a match up and dare to chiong even if it's at the tower and you know whether it's worth it. And when in future you face a much better opponent you still have that certain aggresiveness to challenge the opponent. You tend to pressure more and not hide far far away. In this case i kept moving forward to pressure the warlock even if he had heal on himself. I guess he was quite stupid to on his heal and try to chiong me. I was lvl 8 when he was lvl 5. So i had the spell advantage with that painful static. But yup i have to say that heal shit is ghey. ZZZ. Saved that dumb warlock a few times. Blahz.
The other lanes were doing ok. Even though i saw kw dying a few times over on the top lane. Clem was farming well with bear in mid against 2 heroes. Jiayi was having fun with her loa on top as well. I don't know who's the chen. =X Wells so much for things going out way. The singnet lagger dc-ed =( End of game. Dishearted. All of us didn't want to play anymore. Damn u singnet.
Anyways a joke i found on the forum coutesy of Dawn!
How to check if a man is still virgin
A very 'straight and honest' girl is going to Kuala Lumpur. Before she left, her mother gave her some advice.
Daughter, when you're in KL and if you're looking for a match there, you must take note of the following the requirements Mother set for you.
You must find a man that is 'faithful', not 'spendthrift' and must be a 'virgin'.
With this advise from her mother, the girl went to Town.
After some months later, she came home to her kampung to get her mother's blessings to marry.
"Mother, I've met my match following your instructions. My future husband is faithful because when we went out for a holiday one day, he took care of me specifically even though there were so many prettier girls around.
"Isn't that being faithful?"
Her mother nodded in agreement.
"Then, since the day was getting late in the night and rain was pouring, myboyfriend decided that we stay the night at a hotel. He also suggested that in order not to spend too much, we shared one room only.
"Isn't he not a spendthrift guy?"
For the second time her mother nodded her head in agreement, but with a little concern.
"And finally mum..., I know he is a virgin".
"How did you know he is still a virgin?" The mother asked with anxiety
"Mmm....his 'that one' is new.................still wrapped up, mum!"
Musica decided that he wanted to try the other side of things, and set off to 1v1 Tofu's Viper with his Warlock, before proceeding to get pwned pretty badly. Actually, he got pwned VERY badly, nothing pretty about it.
In my run against Tofu's viper as Warlock, the spectators promptly declared the game over after Tofu brought me down, even when he had the disadvantage of one level and had to be sent home. This was, unfortunately, not before I had missed infernal twice, landing me short of two important kills. I can't seem to hit infernal properly on my teammates t_t.
An ideal infernal will land you the full duration of immolation, and 3 whacks from the infernal on the enemy hero. My infernals didn't even strike within immolation range and only could get one whack on the viper. I blame grogginess from just waking up, and my inability to hit any AoE spell properly. Lux also said my thinking for Warlock could be better, which I take to mean I should change playstyle, but I wouldn't know. It's about as useful as telling me that I can cure cancer. I won't dispute it, I've found it's safer to always assume that Lux is correct, but I did forget to ask for clarification on the comment.
I do not blame the imbalance of the matchup! Warlock still can win Viper when played properly (unfortunately I haven't been doing so lately). IN YOUR FACE MUSICA.
Speaking of which, Musica is actually scarier to 1v1 than Tofu. Distance estimation and his ability to simply screw up whatever plan you have in mind to take him out and attack you in the worst possible way. Tofu however, remains the better farmer with better last hitting.
Not many other notable games of DotA. Did play one against the Malaysian team where my team got wiped. I'm kinda proud that I maintained my spotless record though, and got Radiance BoT Midas around the 40 minute mark, while my team was ceremoniously being pwned in all three lanes AND the neutral creep spots too. Of course, no matter how much I farm, nothing can be done against a team that's fed to the point where the warlock gets Aegis-Rapier Refresher around the 50th minute.
More teams are using enchantress and copying my builds! I don't know whether to be proud or annoyed.
A rather uneventful day for DotA anyway. Looking forward to the weekend for GXL matches against dN* and the Corleones (why the name change from RP anyway). Oh, and why does dN* have an asterisk at the end?
I did however, play a rather eventful game of CS. I play it on average once every two months, for reasons that elude me at this present moment.
Map was dust2, we (meaning Tofu, Floor, KW, JB and me) started on CT side, and get off to the worst start ever by being CLEARED 5-0 by someone I'm led to believe was Alan. I mean that as in he had 4 teammates down, we had about 3 men alive, and he proceeded to clear all of us, netting him the amazing 5-0 first round record (even more amazing because his 4 other teammates were down 0-1).
We proceed to actually manage to kill all 5 of them in the following rounds where we Eco, but fail to defuse. In fact, almost half of the rounds we lost involved all five terrorists dead, mostly courtesy of KW and mostly nothing to do with me, a bomb planted, and no one with a diffusal kit close enough to defuse it. We ended the round losing with a depressing 2-13.
Wow. That's a lot of rounds we have to win as T.
Courtesy of KW and Tofu commanding (more KW, less Tofu, though Tofu's probably a better CS player than he was the last time I played with him), we proceed to sweep 10 straight rounds. On the 11th round, we're met with a little problem. A very cleverly hidden emplacement of defending CTs leave 4 of us dead, 5 of them very much alive, and KW just around the corner with an AK.
Never fretting, KW proceeds to slowly round the corner and gun 2 unsuspecting CTs down. Continuing round, a 3rd CT returns fire too slowly and takes one to the head. The 4th CT rushes in to try to catch KW unawares but runs right into the path of gunfire and gets a bullet to the head as well.
Unfortunately, it is at this moment that KW, probably out of ammo or something, rushes forward towards the gun of a fallen CT. He is mercilessly gunned down from the back by the 5th camping CT.
One round lost, only one round more to tip the scales back in their favour.
Around round 13 (I can't remember the exact round), another problem surfaces. A well-placed AWP takes down two solo wanderers, and a third wanderer is picked off shortly after. This leaves Tofu and Me still patrolling the base, with the bomb, against 5 full HP fully equipped CTs.
At this point I'm thinking that we're pretty much screwed. Nevertheless, we count on the impatience of the CTs to take that crucial last round and hunt down two measely Ts, and sneak through the catwalk into a COMPLETELY EMPTY outer bombsite.
With 10 seconds left, the bomb goes down. Hoo boy, now comes the hard part.
The moment that bomb drops, I hear gunfire and get flashed. Not by Tofu, he's actually improved enough to not flash his own teammates most of the time. So the CTs are already on to us.
In a heroic moment, Tofu leaps through the gunfire, taking down one CT, buying me time to round the 90 degree turn and plant myself at the spot overlooking the underpass. Hiding at the perfect moment and baiting gunfire, Tofu gives me time to finish off the other CT firing at him. A CT rushes out, intent on gunning Tofu down as well, but promptly turns around as he sees his friend falling, but does not do so in time to save himself.
A few seconds later, I hear a set of footsteps, but I can't pinpoint the direction. A CT appears from the underpass, fully aware of my position, guns blazing. A lucky bullet catches him and he falls.
At that moment, I realise too late that I am still taking damage. Merv guns me down from behind.
Over the ticking bomb, against someone with a Colt, full HP, and a diffusal kit, the entire round rests on Tofu and his 19 HP. In a rambo-like moment, he weaves in and out of cover, finally getting trapped in the corner, waiting to be sweeped out. He peeks out valiantly again, just to lay a few shots to deter his enemy. It saves him a few precious seconds, but he gets sweeped out, no chance at all.
The diffusal kit is furiously at work for what seems like eternity, and the bomb blows.
The next two rounds are taken rather confidently, what with the CTs probably being demoralised and KW's very commendable aim. We win 14-1, coming back from a 2-13 disadvantage.
It doesn't feel as good as winning that REALLY close DotA game I reported about previously, but the process is more exciting. From dismay to hope to that round where you've worked so hard for that would decide everything. Very memorable game of CS, for someone who plays once every two months anyway.
It's those moments where you snatch victory from the brink of defeat that feel the best. I don't desire any of those in tournaments though. Close wins feel good, but total pwnage feels better.
I don't expect to be playing CS for a good few weeks or months more. Between FF7, Zelda, FFTA, DotA, Piano, Programming, and holiday homework, the last of which I included merely as a formality to remind myself, I don't think I want to be playing CS frequently.
Me: She had to go. Continue.
Opponent #1: SHE?!
Opponent #2: LOL SHE?
following up on ant's post a couple of days ago... inspired as well by lovelaur and her/his recent ban in the dotasg forums:
gals are humans. games are made for humans. so some gals like to game. just like...
guys are humans. games are made for humans. so some guys like to game.
easy enough to understand?
okaay, so some gals like to play up their sex in order to get more attention while gaming. i guess some guys like to act as gals online (think maple story where they choose gal characters) to get male attention too. (dont ask me why on this one though) In the end, its probably cos this kind of behaviour is encouraged / gives the gal (or guy) the attention she wants. i mean, imagine this scenario in a game :
gal : eH i gAl lEhHxX... cAnNOt BuwEe mEee KaEzZ...
person in game #1 : so ? u think gal big deal is it.
person #2 : yar lo, game is game rite why care if u guy or ger.
haha... i think if this was the normal reaction, most attention seeking kind of gals would just shut up and play the game. (or maybe quit the game)
back ground info on lovelaur : been posting pics of a gal (maybe its herself), sex unknown, but claims to be female.
and thats the link if u all wanna check it out.
basically about guys and gals. though i must admit that some of the pics in the link thomas posted on the 14/15 page are really... good quality. =)~
anyway, lovelaur got banned. cos, to quote the admin "coz she sounds too lame"
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Well sad to say. GIRLS I CANNOT MAKE IT FOR THE TRIP! =( Work sucks. But please mass buy i might get some stuffs from you guys =P
I'm quite looking forward to Saturday. Not just because it's my off day. It's because of the dinner! Wheeeeeee! I want ramen!! I want gossips toos =X Anyways i only like dota once a week nowadays so i can't talk much dota sense. I just have to shaddup and play. But i do know Zues rocks! I still love it so much. And yep i know i'm supposed to be training but blahz =( Don't worry i won't let you guys down!
Another concern is that team that that that team. Arghs whatever.
Oh and Next Thurs MOS Tertiary Fling. Get tix from me =) Free!!
Yes, and no later than 3.55. We will start our match promptly at 4, inform acticz that it must start on time. So we should be able to finish about 5ish, and proceed to have the dinner somewhere nearby. Please book the coms so that we won't have to wait (and tell them to do it too, if possible).
Demon has confirmed that he can make it, now all that's left is the butch. I'll call him today, but all should be fine.
The Bangkok Trip
Let's set it on 19 - 21 Jan. Anyone can't make it?
No hotel staying btw. I will probably be looking into the Khao San area, which is a street packed with lotsa cheap shopping, cheap food and backpackers' hostels. The last time I went, I only paid 8 bucks per day for a room with a fan.
Lodging (example)
MarcoPolo Hostel @ $15 SGD (air-con + hot water)
Went to check out air tickets for tiger airways and air asia from 19 - 21 Jan.
Approx SGD 84 (air asia) and SGD 70 (tiger)... (early arrival, late departure)
Not including SGD 22 BKK airport tax. Refer below for more rates:


By the way these rates are liable to vary. From my experience, booking early is always cheaper. So confirm now if you can go!!
For today's battle, we have...









And so the first battle ends. Warlock falls to viper, but this is not the end! Expect the return of warlock to rise up against viper and other adversaries in the future!
And curse blogger for bad image quality. Rarh.
please meet at egames on saturday at 3.30pm.
we'll be playing acticz at about 4pm, followed by cloud's team at 6pm.. we'll be playing them at egames, so there shouldnt be any lag problem.
im aware that tammy can't make it on time for the first match, i'll do the necessary arrangement.
i think there's dinner with demon and zilch after the games. dawn please do the update.
take my lane creeps, those are about personal skill and last hitting
or my hero kills, if u are so insistent that frags = skills when its team work and the team win that should matter..
i am reasonable, if u need 70 gold more for a dagger when u are an sk i will give up my neutral for u, IF U ASK, and ask BEFORE U HIT. if i have killed the creep before u managed to type it out, i would help u get some other creeps hp down.
ice was like "oh no... what if they see my gosu post.."
hi tofu, nice to see u finally making ur presence known...
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
My work only ends like Januray. PLEASE go after that. I want to shop. I'm like desperate to shop!!
The serious side. I'm still not in favour of them joining us. I don't want them in! I seriously am so against it. I hope everything will go the way in my favour. If not it's simply LLL.
Me: She had to go. Continue.
Opponent #1: SHE?!
Opponent #2: LOL SHE?
We did proceed to thrash them with liberal use of the suicidal leaver. The game does prove though, that ice getting kills and me getting kills are mutually exclusive. I.e. Either ice KS's everything, or I do.
He's leviathan, he does his ultimate, and I proceed to follow up with wave. HE TRIPLE KILLS. I get nothing. Bah.
But nothing much noteworthy that game. The next game though, was long and good and even though we were without hope for most of the game, we fought hard and fought to the end. 102 minutes, a dull story with a bang of a finale. Viper QoP Visage Zeus Chen is what we're up against with LoA Warlock Sandking Veno Enchantress.
oLeh's LoA doesn't touch BKB. Thus, as you should be able to infer, he didn't touch a single of their heroes in battle, what with grave chill and everything else the late gamers throw at him. Warlock DCed at halfway into the game. Sandking, with the exception of a few good catches that sadly didn't amount to anything, helped the other team more than he helped us. Plus point was at least he didn't catch the visage in epi. Minus point was that he didn't catch the rest of the 4 heroes either. Venomancer wasn't spectacular either.
An hour into the game and we're playing a good round of "deplete their aegises". QoP has got one aegis down and buys another one, Visage has not many charges left, viper is being hit hard and hasn't got his yet. Their pushes are being held off and it seems that this game could go on until each hero has used 12 charges of aegis. Then oLeh's refusal to buy BKB or aegis lands him dead in enemy territory, leaving an enchantress, a leaver, and 2 punchbags to defend the base.
Their first counter-push after taking down the LoA results in two punchbags and a leaver valiantly sacrificing their lives while a generally unkillable enchantress fends them off for long enough for the dead undead to come back from the dead as undead (hoho pun). Unfortunately, it doesn't take long for it to dawn on them (it's a small d! no names mentioned!) that the puny dryad can only defend one lane. The next time the little white man falls from his horse (his rightly deserved fate for oppressing the little black man), they decide to push two lanes. Naturally, one lane falls. As if that's not bad enough, the little white man on a horse chokes on a pretzel and dies once again, resulting in yet another lane falling.
See, as good as the enchantress is in holding off a push, she can only delay it for a really long time without being able to actually push it off and move on to another lane (or perhaps I just farmed too little... perhaps...). Thus we have two lanes down, one late gamer that can't do damage because she just lacks the agility to do so, one late gamer that can't do damage because he can't reach the enemy, and one late gamer that can't do damage because he left halfway into the game and doesn't have the items that he should have.
Cue peaceful resolution after the story's intense climax. No wait, the protagonist refuses to go down silently! Will the story stop abruptly with a tragic battle?
Me: We've lost already. This is a desperate measure.
Thus, operation: desperate measures begins, or perhaps it should be named operation: let's hope that they're too stupid to notice us.
As viper, brandishing his new divine rapier, crosses the river in the middle lane, as chen and zeus and the queen of pain brutally demolish the final tower at the top lane, as the visage glides peacefully met with no resistance into the bottom of the sentinel base, five desperate souls, the last hope of the sentinels, make their way towards the frozen throne.
Just like Lord of the Rings ain't it? Oh look our entire army is being decimated by 234265123 orcs! The only hope we have is to rely on some kids we sent into the enemy's territory and hope they drop the ONE RING into the fires of Mount Doom!
The Lich King sitting in the frozen throne does resemble Sauron a little bit doesn't he? Except throwing the one ring into the fires of Mount Doom is about the same as sending a chicken with a ring of health into the fountain of health. Killing the frozen throne is like Frodo and Sam turning up before Sauron's tower and pwning him (well, Sam did pwn the entire tower of orcs to rescue Frodo after he was fuxed by the giant spider, figuratively speaking, hopefully not literally, I wouldn't know).
Anyway, where was I?
A badly timed charge results in creeps spawning right as our five dear sentinel warriors make their way to the frozen throne. Nevertheless, they bravely charge forward. The leaver warlock summons two infernals, and dies to creeps rather soon because we forgot to micro him. The first tower beside the frozen throne falls.
At this point, the scourge realises we're on to something and proceeds to wail on the last ancient protector beside the world tree. That thing was made out of a wisp you know? Why can't the damn enchantress' wisp go and sprout 9 ancient protectors next to each other. That would be kind of fun.
At this point I'm thinking we're kind of screwed. First, in my hurry to take down the throne (and in my resignation to believing we were already screwed), I failed to tp to delay the death of that last ancient protector (some protector of the ancients this enchantress is). Next, I realise that there's absolutely nothing stopping them from TPing over and handing us a pwning.
So hey, blue runes appear by the last spirit tower beside the frozen throne, and in pops a dwarf. Seconds later, in pops a green guy on a wolf. Viper, QoP, and Visage, are busy gallavanting in our base letting the world tree mourn at the pitifulness of an ancient tree being destroyed by 2 birds and an overgrown bat.
Never despairing (actually despairing was already over), our 4 valiant heroes (because the warlock got eaten by ghouls, ewww) eradicate the spirit tower before proceeding to pummel at the frozen throne.
Meanwhile, the world tree wonders how pathetic the heroes defending it were to have lost to a green flying thing, a dead bird shooting skulls from its tail, and an overgrown undead bat. Oh wait, the world tree realises, they weren't even bothering to defend him! So much for defense of the ancients eh?
As the world tree burns, a flame lights up in the distance, and the world tree realises that the frozen throne is burning as well. Various OMGs and screams are exchanged as both teams relentless pound on each other's main buildings.
With a healthy 100 hit points left on the frozen throne, the Queen Of Pain throws her final spear to finish the World tree off.
With the frozen throne only a few hits from destruction, the Queen Of Pain throws the final spear to bring down the World tree.
Sad ain't it?
To be so close from stealing victory, yet being unable to attain it.
Both teams exclaim at how close the game turned out to be. I mean really, if the Queen Of Pain had any more strength in throwing her spear, her spear might have just finished off the World tree before the Lord of Avernus, in a moment of poetic irony only possible in AllPick mode, reduced the Frozen throne to nothing.
I'm not kidding, it was that close. Projectile-flying close. Perhaps some would say we were undeserving of that win, we definitely didn't play as well as they did for most of the game, but it was the best win I had ever felt, because we stole victory from the hands of defeat, and because it was so damn close.
Moral of the story is to never ever give up. When the game drags past 100 minutes, the victor's cup still belongs to anyone's hands.
Oh, and if you can't touch their heroes, go for their buildings. Remember that heroes can move, but buildings can't.
Kudos to oLeh, his feeder friend, our leaver warlock, and our silent venomancer for making this possible. If they had played better, this game would have been over long ago and I wouldn't have the chance to experience this game.
I wanted to insert a few comments about the previous posts on this blog, but I guess this post is already far too long. It does make a nice story to tell though.